In this article we will cover;
- What is a power of attorney in Kenya
- Who issues a Power of attorney in Kenya
- What are the requirements to issue a Power of Attorney in Kenya?
- Can we help get a Power of Attorney?
- How can i legalize my power of Attorney?
What is a Power of Attorney in Kenya?
According to Black’s Law Dictionary, a Power of Attorney is “An instrument authorizing a person to act as the agent or attorney of the person granting it.”
The power of attorney in Kenya is used to allow another person to act as if it was the person that is giving the power of attorney. Examples are in transactions for sale of land, registration of intellectual property, filing of lawsuits, signing off on documents, opening of a bank account etc
A power of Attorney can be Specific or General in its nature. When a Power of Attorney is Specific, it is executed only for a particular purpose.
Requirements for a Power of Attorney in Kenya
The document must contain the full name and address of the donor and donee.
A power of attorney needs to be signed by both the donor and the donee and properly executed.
In Kenya, it must be stamped i.e. stamp duty must be paid and registered under the Registration of Documents Act.
Can we help you get a Power of Attorney?
Yes, you can reach out to us on or by telephone +254709 747555.
How can i legalize my power of Attorney?
When a Power of Attorney is being used outside the country, it may need to be notarized or legalized. We have explained the process of Legalization of documents in Kenya.