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Limited liability partnerships commonly referred to as LLPs are unique forms of business association that combines elements of a company with those of a partnership.

LLPs in Kenya are registered under the registration limited liability partnerships Act of 2011. Whereas they enjoy certain benefits enjoyed by limited liability companies such as limited liability for the partners, ability to hold properties in their name amongst others they are much simpler to register than companies that require amongst others memorandum and articles of association.

Noteworthy is the fact that unlike general partnerships they allow for the inclusion of body corporate as partners. Another unique feature of the LLP is the requirement that a manger be appointed.

Registering a Limited liability Partnership in Kenya is a fairly simple procedure.

 Requirements for registration of a limited liability partnership

  1.  Proposed business names for search and approval;
  2. Nature of business; for professional services a practicing certificate by the relevant body for the current year will be attached;
  3. Proposed Physical address of the business. Address includes road, plot number, town, and county;
  4. Full names of the partners/ company incase of a body corporate;
  5. Place and date of incorporation in case of a body corporate
  6. Nationality of the partners;
  7. Age of each partner based on their national IDs;
  8. Gender of each of the partners;
  9. Usual place of residence of each of the partners;
  10. Copy of ID / Passport for Partners;
  11. 2 passport photos of Partners;
  12. Copy of PIN certificate for the Partners;
  13. Full names of the manager;
  14. ID/Passport number of the Manager;
  15. Postal address , Nationaliy of the manager:
  16. Consent to act as the manger signed by the manager

Procedure for registration of a Limited Liability Partnership.

  1.  Name search
    A search is conducted to establish if the proposed names are available for registration. A name is then reserved pending registration of the business name / partnership. The application for reservation of a name is done by a letter along with the prescribed fees
  2. Application for registration
    A statement of particulars (form LLP1) is then filled with the relevant information. This is then signed by the partners and the manager and lodged with the Registrar. (The registrar of companies doubles up as the Registrar for Limited Liability Partnerships) accompanied by the prescribed fee.
  3. Issuance of certificate
    The Certificate of registration is then processed and issued.

If you would like to register a Limited Liability Partnership, please contact us on info@swakadvocates.com







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